Sunday, October 30, 2011

First Day in Ecuador!

After arriving to Miami, we had a 4 hour layover until our next flight. The three of us had our first meal together (last meal in America). The our flight to Ecuador was delayed 40 minutes. (Me, Katy, Kyle)

I slept like a baby on the plane. I was asleep before the flight attendant could explain the safety rules. I woke up for dinner and then was to excited to sleep anymore. 
Arriving in Ecuador: Customs was a breeze. I got my first ever passport stamp! then we waited in a never ending line for them to can all of our bags again. I walked out to my new mama holding a beautiful sign welcoming me.             Then it was sleep time!
Woke up around 7:30. Yes I actually slept in! Had some papaya and oranges. Then wanted some cereal. Looked all over the fridge for the milk and could not find it. Milk is in a bag! I tried to read the ingredients but while doing so I spilled the milk all over the place, apparently it was open. But it tastes  GREAT.
When Mama and Papa got home we went sight seeing. While trying to get to a "special place" our paths were blocked because they close down half the streets on Sunday for bikers. We instead ended up at La Basilica de Quito. 
Absolutely breath taking. Nana would have loved all the stained glass. It is the tallest church in South America. We climbed all the way up to the tallest tower. (probably not the best idea especially because I am already trying to get used to the altitude, but I did not pass out!) One cool thing is that the gargolas that surround the church are not just gargolas. they are also  armadillas, turtles,and iguanas. 
Then we went to the Valley. An outskirt of Quito for lunch. We went to an Italian restaurant and had amazing pizza. When I though my Spanish reading was getting better I stared at the menu wondering why it was so hard. Then I realized the the menu was written in Latin. Completely messed with my head.
This is a picture of me and my new family at lunch. (Mama (Cathy), Papa (Lars), Sister (Melissa), Me) My brother Nick was not with us :(

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Packing nightmares!

Packing took forever. 
First of all the weekend was my going away party along with getting ready for all the assessments for the end of the marking period and preparing my folio for the College of Education. Then Monday night I had to meet with my coordinator to present my portfolio and do my last minute shopping. Packing happened from about 8-10 then I passed out.

Tuesday I had parent teacher conferences till 9pm. By the time I got home I had no energy left and was ready for the pillow, but i had much grading to take care of.
Wednesday I had Grand Valley classes after teaching (which was my last day teaching :( . That night I had to make sure that I not only was packed completely for Ecuador but also for the camping trip I took with my kiddos Thursday and Friday. I also had my Last roommate dinner and made sure the house was clean before I left.
Thursday I woke up at 4:00am pack the car, ran around like a maniac trying to make sure that i had everything packed and headed to school. We left for Manatu-lin Camp and spend the day Riding horses, Zip-lining and canoeing. 
After a sleepless night with 11 adolescent girls that refuse to go to bed. We were up at 7 to start the fun over. Canoeing, high roping, zip-lining, archery, and the Best. 

Back to School, Kiddos got picked up and I drove across the state to flint, where I had to un-pack the car get rid of the camping gear, add new things from mom, and repack the van. 
3:15am start time. My bag was 3 pounds overweight which is $100 charge. Re-pack my bag to get it under weight.